
Office of the Municipal Manager
The Municipal Manager is a key role player in the functioning of the municipality. He acts not only as a communication channel between The Council and community, but also as an Accounting Officer and head of Administration of the municipality. The Municipal Manager is also the Municipal Electoral Officer for the municipality.

Community Services
The Community Services Department is responsible for ensuring provision of an acceptable standard of Social Services, Emergency Services, Environmental and Health Services, Community Safety and Road Traffic Management as well as Sports, Arts and Cultural Services to the communities.

Corporate Services
The department is responsible for the general operations of the Municipality including administration, human resources and document management. In addition to oversight of the central administrative functions of the Municipality, the role of the Corporate Services Department will also be to provide secretarial services and guidance to Council and other governance structures of the Municipality, and safeguarding the interests of the municipal stakeholders (communities and staff).

Budget & Treasury
The department is responsible for providing strategic direction on financial planning, management and accounting as well as guidance and support to the senior managers within the Municipality regarding the implementation of and compliance with the Municipal.

Infrastracture and Technical Services
The Infrastructure and Technical Services is responsible for the development and implementation of processes, systems and strategies designed to procure and sustain infrastructural capacity required by the Municipality in its quest to provide quality services to the community as well as ensuring that resources at the Municipality’s disposal are equitably distributed to all areas of operation to enhance service delivery to benefit the people.